Farming With Nature

Collecting hay bales near wildlife buffer and pasture.

A simple, honest approach to farming and food.

Like many farm businesses, Friendship Farms evolved from a strictly agricultural enterprise into one that serves the local community. Over the past century food purveyors in America have become more commercialized and automated, delivering products that are increasingly highly processed, chemically treated and mass produced. In an effort to reverse this trend, and shorten the food chain from farm to table, Friendship Farms has chosen to sell our products directly to our customers, with an emphasis on quality, natural ingredients and homespun methods. Recipes that were used in the family kitchen for years and simple ingredients like butter, honey and wholesome grains are the foundation for the products sold in the bakery. Our farm employs sustainable farming methods like rotational grazing and stream bank buffering in a true partnership with the environment. Second only to the people who make up our business–our family, employees, and valued customers–our greatest asset is the land on which we farm and live. Our goal is to share the natural beauty and bounty of our family farm with the regional community for years to come.

Our breads are made using only natural unprocessed… > Learn More

Beef sold with our label is born and raised on our farm. Our Angus cattle are… > Learn More

Trees, shrubs, wildflowers and grasses that are native to Southwestern PA are grown and sold at Friendship Farms Native Plant Nursery.… > Learn More

Wildlife Buffers Flow Throughout the Farm

Wildlife Buffers Flow Throughout the Farm

Wildlife buffers have been planted in native wildflowers, and sometimes trees and shrubs. These areas protect very wet locations or highly erodible areas of the farm. They also provide food and habitat for all forms of wildlife from insect pollinators and song birds to larger animals like rabbits, deer and fox.

Using Fresh Natural Ingredients

Making our Fresh Tomato Basil Focaccia

We use the freshest most natural ingredients often from our own gardens when in season. These ladies are making our fresh Tomato Basil Focaccia using tomatoes and basil both just picked from our own gardens.